The Curious World Of Becky Adams

Becky Adams is a collector of stories; they become an integral part of her life and are ingrained into the making of her work through a sophisticated use of stitch, vintage fabric and antique ephemera.  There is a subtle and respectful glance to the study of the human condition; each piece is aware of its past, its present and its untold future. Through the natural language of her work, each piece becomes an embodiment of a story preserved within each careful stitch.

The direct participation between the book and the audience inevitably arouses an aesthetic experience. However, it simultaneously suggests the engagement of the viewers own experiences, permitting the work to be perceived as more than mere decoration. Through presenting us with the book as an object, Becky’s work provides us, the viewer and reader, with an imaginative space. We are the receivers of considerate human gesture, hand stitch and the written word offer the viewer ‘time’ as inspiration, process and material.

Becky has always made books and sketchbooks, but it was in her last year at University she made her first artist’s book.  She adopted the notion of the artist’s book to provide the reader with a private space where time could be taken to reflect on their own lives and past experience. Her studies in English Literature and Fine Art form the basis of her interest in the links between text and textile. The stitched illustrations within her books can be seen as a logical development from the technical process of stitching and binding of books.

When asked, ‘what inspires you and the creation of your work?’ Becky replies, ‘small things; unnoticed things; discarded things; found things; things that have a story; things that need to be rescued; stories; poetry; small birds singing; chips on the pier; old haberdashery shops;  Abergavenny flea market.’ A list that is long and yet not exhaustive.

Becky’s work speaks to the audience’s emotions and sensitivities. There is a subtle sadness hidden beneath the layers of decoration, visible to those who care to gently peel back the layers of meaning and investigate the inner workings of this intimate 

A Llantharnham Grange and Ruthin Craft Centre touring exhibition

Even more to see at The National Centre for Craft and Design





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