Making it Relevant

Making it Relevant 
 A Professional Practice Symposium open to all aspiring and existing makers and exploring the influence of career paths and cultural heritage on contemporary craft practice.

Saturday 28th April 2012, 10.30am – 4pm (registration from 10am)
Delegate fee:  £20 / £12.50 students. Discount available for groups of 5 or more.
A light lunch will be provided.

In spring 2012 The National Centre for Craft & Design will be hosting two significant group exhibitions which will briefly overlap.  We will celebrate these shows, ‘Transplantation’ and ‘Made in the Middle’ and the themes they explore with a symposium and participative day aimed at existing and aspiring crafts professionals.

The symposium is intended to be an open and dynamic exploration and reflection on participants’ diverse career paths, travel and family backgrounds; and discovery, through discussion and hands-on activities, of how these factors have enriched the way we work and make craft today.  Themes include stories of cultural heritage; routes to practice, both traditional and less conventional; the role of mentors and teachers; and buying/commissioning of craft by the public.

The day is open to those who are interested in forming a career in contemporary craft; and those who are already makers and who wish to explore and share both the influences on their current practice and the ways in which they may wish to diversify.

The keynote speaker will be Lesley Millar MBE, Professor of Textile Culture at the University for the Creative Arts, who has led many outstanding creative projects across nationalities and language barriers, particularly between Europe and Japan, and is herself a practising weaver. Professor Millar’s latest exhibition is ‘Lost in Lace’, on show at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery until 19 February 2012 (and then touring) and she has also contributed the essay ‘Roots/Routes’ to ‘Radical Thread’, the new publication which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the influential 62 Group of textile artists.

The format of the day will be a mixture of formally presented papers; discussion groups; and open event workshops where participants are invited to share their experiences, learn from others and gain practical skills as well as advice.  Speed networking will take place over lunch and a Creative Careers mini-fair will also be available throughout the day for information and advice. 

Submissions are now invited for papers and short practical workshops on the themes outlined above. Papers should be between 5-20 minutes in delivery and practical sessions no more than 45-60 minutes. We are particularly interested in papers that explore the diversity of routes to practice and/or cultural influence, with reference to the presenter’s own experiences or observations; and practical sessions that not only impart and share skill but encourage discussion around it.

For individuals: please send a brief outline of your proposal (no more than 250 words) and your CV (max 2 pages) to .

Organisations that offer advice, information and support to aspiring craft professionals are also invited to join the Creative Careers Fair. Space is limited so early booking is advised. Please contact for more information.

Deadline for submissions for individuals and organisations: Friday 16th March 2012.
To register for the symposium please download the registration form

Student Bursaries available
Are you an aspiring craft professional of the future? The ‘Making It Relevant’ Symposium provides an ideal opportunity for students of craft and design who are considering a career as a maker to gain advice, share ideas and be inspired!  Delegates will benefit from lively discussion, advice from established makers and the opportunity to learn new skills during practical workshops – all of which can only help to equip makers of the future with the knowledge and skills necessary to run a successful creative practice.

There are four student bursaries available which will cover the cost of the registration fee for the symposium. Please note that bursary recipients will be responsible for their own travel costs. 

To apply for a student bursary, please complete the registration form and send with a supporting statement of not more than 250 words explaining how your attendance at the symposium will support and benefit your studies and future career. Please send this by email to Hayley Banks, Membership Manager of Design Factory: by Friday 16th March. Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 23rd March.

The event will coincide with the first weekend that ‘Made in the Middle’ is open to the public at our venue, and the last weekend of ‘Transplantation’.

'Transplantation: a sense of place and culture' is curated by Norman Cherry and consists of new narrative jewellery by twelve makers based in the UK and Australia who have experienced temporary or permanent transplantation, affecting their own lives and practices. It will tour the UK and Australia until 2014.

'Made in the Middle' is a three-yearly survey of contemporary craft practice by Craftspace, which previously celebrated West Midlands makers. In 2012 it expands for the first time to include the East Midlands, and nccd is proud to be collaborating with Craftspace and mac Birmingham. This exhibition will tour the UK until 2013.
The event will coincide with the first weekend that ‘Made in the Middle’ is open to the public at our venue, and the last weekend of ‘Transplantation’.

Further information may be found at: (for Lesley Millar’s projects)


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